Erinne, Kristen, and me |
Ryan and I have made a
few new friends this month. Our friends, Dave and Jenny, introduced us to a few others from their old church. That's
how we met Kristen and Erinne. Erinne was the one that told us about the upcoming Chris Tomlin concert. For those of you who may not know who he is, he is a Christian musician who Ryan and I thoroughly
enjoy. So, we were excited about being invited to go with these two great gals. (And as you can see, they are as tall as me!!

met the One80 crew (Kristen, Erinne and their church buddies) at a local park in Dayton for the free Chris Tomlin concert. It was blazing hot outside, but the music and worship was so refreshing.
It was an amazing experience.

Now, I should point out that Kristen and Erinne are, by far, un-shy girls. After the concert, ChrisTomlin and the band were at a table behind us signing autographs for the fans. Although, the group was surrounded with fans,
Kristen and Erinne went up and ask the guys if they would mind posing in a pic with us. They smiled and said "no problem."
As you all know, Ryan is a goofy guy. So, he asked Chris Tomlin if he'd mind posing in a goofy picture with him. I think
Chris was somewhat reluctant... as you can see.

Beth, Erinne, Kristen, and me with Chris Tomlin and the band |