So, it's time to go?
As you all know, the time is near for Ryan and I to leave dear ole Mississippi. We will be leaving July 31st
bright and early. This is a tough, yet exciting transition the two of us will
be making. Since Mississippi is the only place
I have ever called my home, I am somewhat nervous about the whole experience. Ryan
assures me that I will fit in fine, but I will surely have to deal with others constant plea for me to “say that again.”
Ryan and I feel that this move will be very beneficial for our marriage. We are stepping in faith that the Lord will take care of us and guide us. Time away from our family and
friends will allow us to really lean on one another. However, I am happy to say
that we have two other couples that are good friends of ours traveling to Ohio also. Both couples are new parents. This may leave you to ask “When
are you and Ryan having kids, Amy?” Well, God willing, not any time soon. Hey, I have already been appointed the babysitter
for the other couples!
Why Dayton?
Some of you may still wonder why we are moving to Ohio. We are moving to Ohio because Ryan will be attending AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology) to earn
his master’s degree in Engineering Management. Ryan will be a full time
student at AFIT. This school is located at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. This comes as no cost for either of us. The
Air Force will pay for his education. In return for his master’s, Ryan
must serve in the Air Force for three more years after he finishes at AFIT. Ryan
will not be the only one continuing school. I am enrolled to attend Park University this fall on Wright Patterson AFB. Unlike most schools, Park
has eight week semesters instead of sixteen weeks. Therefore, I will be starting
school in October. I know this sounds terrible since I will be a senior this
year, but I have changed my major from elementary education to counseling. But
at least this will allow me to keep my sanity!
Where will we live?
Recently Ryan and I returned the signed lease to Dayton. We prayed on it for awhile and felt it was were God wanted us to be.
We will be living in a renovated duplex in privatization. Privatization
means the area is base owned and maintained but it is not located on the base. We
will be living only five minutes from the other couples and only an exit from the malls! (Whoo-hoo!) The duplex is a two story building with three bedrooms and one and a half bath. I’m sure that it will be plenty big enough for me, Ryan and Yeager, our Boxer. We are just hoping that the walls aren’t blue and the carpet isn’t green like we have now!
What is there to do in Dayton?
A couple years ago I remember a boy telling me “I thought Hamilton folks just
sat in cow pastures and chewed on straw for fun!” Although he was right about people not having anything to do in Hamilton, Mississippi, I am here to say I did not hang out in cow pastures! I am glad
to report that Dayton has much to offer. Dayton
has many museums, art galleries, ballets, operas and dinner theaters. And for
Ryan, well, there’s ducks. We can go to the parks to bike or the campsites
to canoe. There are many annual festivals and events to take part in. I can not begin to number how many restaurants are in Dayton. There are tons
to try! Lastly, there are several malls and outlet stores for all of your shopping
pleasures. As you can see, there will be many things for Ryan and I to experience
and enjoy while we are there. The base is much larger than Columbus AFB. So big, it is divided into three sections!
A fact by Ryan Earl: Wright
Patterson AFB employs the most people in one location than any other place in Ohio!
When will you see us again?
Ryan and I don’t have any dates set in stone, but we do plan on making some home visits sometime
soon. Holiday trips and visits will depend on the school schedules of me and Ryan. We have to make visits to three states. Although we may not
be able to see everyone on a particular holiday, hopefully we will be able to make our rounds when our schedules allow.
Thank Ya’ll…
Ryan and I greatly appreciate all that you have done for us.
We have savored these last weeks with our friends and family. We have enjoyed the PEDO ride, making crazy home movies
and helping out at the church. Thanks to everyone who filled our bellies with
great food before our departure. Thanks Momma and Daddy, Bill and Dell, Cheryl
and Ken for all of your help! We love you all.
Keep us in your prayers. Pray for us to have safe travels
and to always follow the will that God has in store for us. Oh, and for this
southern girl to survive the snowy winter in Ohio!
Take care of yourselves.
Much love,
Amy Nelson