This month has been very
busy for Ryan and I. Not only did my brother drive from Mississippi to visit us, but my friend, Heather flew from Mississippi to see us as well. You can click on the links listed "Brian's visit" and "Heather's visit" (on
the left) to read more about their trips here.
As you all know, Ryan
and I had our one year anniversary on March 6th. I know. Can you believe it? One year already. It has been a wonderful year.
We have both been through alot of changes in this past year. But I must say that I am so thankful for Ryan. I love him so
much. Anyway, enough of the gushy stuff. :-) We wanted to do something to celebrate this occasion, but on March 6th, we really
had our hands tied. So, we opted to do something later in the month. We decided that we would travel to Gatlinburg, TN on
March 25 and stay until the 27th. I have been to Gatlinburg several times, but Ryan had not.
The five hour trip gradually
turned into a nine hour trip due to all of the Easter traffic. So, when we did finally arrive in Gatlinburg, we were too tired
to really go out and do something. Therefore, we chose to get some food at a place called "The Alamo." (Thanks Amy for the
suggestion to go there.) Although the place was rather expensive, the food was awesome.
The next morning, Ryan
and I decided to hit the strip of Gatlinburg. We cruised the streets looking in shops and stopping to eat lunch at "The Bronze
Latern." (It was good too.) While we were there, we stopped by the candy store where they make taffy right there in the store.
(Here I am in front of the machine that pulls taffy.) We couldn't pass up getting an "old tyme photo" done and catching a
scenic ride on the chairlift.
Although I've been on
the chairlift before, it's too good to pass up. It's so neat to be able to go that high and see Gatlinburg. At the top of
the moutain, they have a lookout over Gatlinburg. Here's Ryan posing for a scenic shot.
After that, we decided
to drive back to Pigeon Forge. (That's where we rented a hotel room. It is about 10 minutes away.) We still had alot of daylight
left, so we decided to check out how much a helicopter ride would cost. Umm...yeah. Too much, that's how much. We remembered
an attraction that we had passed the night before that looked like alot of fun...skydiving...well, simulated skydiving.
I do believe the simulated
skydiving was the most fun thing that we did on our trip. You would never, ever catch me jumping out of a plane, but this
was so much fun. When we first got there, we had to watch a video that showed us how we were to "skydive." Then, they suited
us up with an outfit that would catch air, goggles, earplugs, elbow pads, and a helmet. We had to learn hand signals from
our instructor that was to be in the simulator with us because the gigantic fan was so loud. Finally, we were ready. We entered
this large padded room. The instructor showed us a few moves of his own and then it was our turn. First Ryan went and the
instructor helped him move around the room. Then it was my turn. It really felt just like what I imagined as falling through
the air. It was hard to move my arms and legs around because of the air's strong force. Ryan told me that while the instructor
was holding on the me (so I wouldn't fly away to the very top) that he looked at Ryan and did a little twirl with his finger
in a circlar motion. And with that, I was spinning fast. You talk about getting dizzy. Whew. That was crazy. Overall, Ryan
and I had a fantastic time in the simulator. I highly recommend it to anyone who may travel to Pigeon Forge in the future.
That night, we were off
to the Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge. (Thanks again Amy!) Ryan had called ahead and asked if we could get seats close to the
front for a good view. And wouldn't you know it. We were on the very first row, dead in the center! Oh, I was so nervous that
they were going to call me out on stage.
When we arrived, the place
was full of employees acting silly and making people laugh. Ryan had his picture taken with these two ladies with the hillbilly
teeth. (to your left.) We were really impressed with the show. It was good, clean fun. But, surpringly enough, we actually
did not get picked on or called out. If you ever get the chance, a visit to the Comedy Barn is alot of fun.
Ryan and I are so happy
that we were able to make this trip. We really started this second year of marriage off with some really good laughes. We
had such a great time. Thanks for your prayers for our safe travel!
Brian’s Visit
My bro. What can I say?
I never thought I'd miss him so much! Earlier this month Brian called me and told me that he was thinking about driving up
for a few days while he was on his spring break. I really didn't think he was too serious. I thought it was more like wishful
thinking. However, with the help of my parents, they were able to get everything all organized and Brian made the trip to
Ohio to see us. We really had a great time with him. I'm so glad he was able to come up!
Brian is too much like
me...silly. Since Ryan and I didn't really have enough time to plan out what activities we could do when Brian got here, we
just spent alot of time hanging out.
We met Brian in Bowling Green, KY so he could follow us the rest of the way. The drive
wasn't so bad. It took eight hours there and back. That night, we were tired, so we just got some grub from Don Pablos.
Sunday, we went to church
and that night went out for ice cream while cruising and listening to "old school" music and played a few card games. Monday
we all went to the mall so Brian could go shopping. (Yep, Brian was shopping, not me!) On Tuesday, we showed Brian around
in Dayton and went to the Dayton Art Institue for an "enlighting experience." We really did have a good time.
We were so happy that
Brian was able to drive up and visit. I know that it was a long trip for him, but we are so glad that he made it. We love
you Brian!
Heather Wilson and I have
been friends since elementary school. So, when she told me back in December that she was wanting to fly up and see us, Ryan
and I were thrilled. We had a great time with her visiting, eating, and...SHOPPING!!! lol, we shopped like crazy.
The first night Heather
was here, we went to a comedy club called The Funny Bone. Unfortunately, it wasn't as fun as we predicted it to be because
the language the comedians used was so offensive. However, we did enjoy our company and walking around at the Easton
Mall in Columbus,
It's so huge!
On Sunday night, Ryan
gave Heather some flying lessons...on his flight simulator. She now knows how to fly a plane just in case she ever needs
to! lol
After a day of shopping,
Sunday night we just wanted to chill out. We played a game of cards and a racing game on the playstation. Here
we are laughing at how bad we are at controlling our cars on the track.
Ryan and I had a great
time with Heather during her visit here in Ohio. We are so glad that she took the time and money to come and see us. We are so thankful to have
such a great friend! Thanks again Heather!